Speak English Fluently: Understand it!

by Erika Belmonte

Hey guys! Speak English Fluently: Understand it! Today we’re starting a great sequence of videos about FLUENCY and today I’d like to share with you all what it really means to be fluent in English.

That might sound a little easy but I’d say it is very tricky!! Watch the video and next time I’ll bring you a checklist of things you should know to become fluent in English. If you’re new here, subscribe by clicking above and any comment or suggestion just please right it down below ok? I reeeeally hope you guys enjoy this video and see you next one!

Oh, and don’t forget to check my other video Recipe – Lave cake (petit gateau) with subtitles https://clubedoingles.com/cookwithme-lava-cake-recipe-petit-gateau-with-subtitles-pt-en/


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